Welcome to DCFC, Drinking Chicken football club, where the drinking bastards and the football enthusiasts meet. The club was the idea of our Captain Tsubasa Sugi on one drinking nite, and it was formed a few weeks later. DCFC was established and sanctioned on July 26th 2006 (first drawing event), and the first chicken league starts 2 days later.

Initially we started by getting together every week training, and as our number grew we created the league.

There are several reasons why we started this league:

1. So that everyone can get to know each other, since every season we randomly pick the team mate

2. Get ourselves more organise each week so that everyone can get to play.

3. Create a more competetive environment yet on a friendly crowd

4. Give us the bragging right each week as we see each other and talk about soccer.

Now we have about 50 active members in our club who share the same passion of the game and for the drinks. New members are accepted through members referal only. But once a chicken always a chicken.

The whole idea of club is all about friendship, hence our club Motto:


Blog Archive

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Top ten comebacks in Soccer history

Top ten comebacks in soccer history...
1. Blackpool 4-3 Bolton (1953)
2. Hungary 2-3 West Germany (1954)
3. Charlton 7-6 Huddersfield (1957)
4. Portugal 5-3 North Korea (1966)
5. Barcelona 1-4 Metz (1984)
6. Tottenham 3-4 Manchester City (2004)
7. Liverpool 3-3 AC Milan (2005)
8. Newcastle 4-4 Arsenal (2011)
9. Reading 5-7 Arsenal (2012)

10. DCFC Blue 5-8 DCFC Green (2016)

Badan terasa capek namun mata ini tidak mau terpenjam meski jam sudah menunjukkan angka 11:50 malam. Pikiran asik melayang dan perasaan hati tidak karuan mengingat kembali kemenangan malam ini 😊... Setelah sempat ketinggalan 5-0 akhirnya berhasil menang 8-5... bayangkan saja comebacks atas team yg diperkuat back sekelas cin yo , dudu dan ahan hitam, bahkan dengan kiper terbaik DCFC Atengsilas..!!! 😱😱... ntah masih ada anggota di Jl. Semarang ga malam begini, pingin rasanya minum beberapa botol beer supaya bisa ngantuk 😬

Tidak adil rasanya membahas kemenangan team sendiri namun sungguh sayang jika peristiwa yang langka ini dilewatkan begitu saja, jadi mohon maaf saja bagi yg tidak tahan membacanya... 😂😂
Ini adalah kemenangan paling nikmat dan manis sepanjang karir DCFC ku, semanis dan senikmat Bika Ambon Yen-Yen ....😂😂😂 Cheersssss 🍺


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