Welcome to DCFC, Drinking Chicken football club, where the drinking bastards and the football enthusiasts meet. The club was the idea of our Captain Tsubasa Sugi on one drinking nite, and it was formed a few weeks later. DCFC was established and sanctioned on July 26th 2006 (first drawing event), and the first chicken league starts 2 days later.

Initially we started by getting together every week training, and as our number grew we created the league.

There are several reasons why we started this league:

1. So that everyone can get to know each other, since every season we randomly pick the team mate

2. Get ourselves more organise each week so that everyone can get to play.

3. Create a more competetive environment yet on a friendly crowd

4. Give us the bragging right each week as we see each other and talk about soccer.

Now we have about 50 active members in our club who share the same passion of the game and for the drinks. New members are accepted through members referal only. But once a chicken always a chicken.

The whole idea of club is all about friendship, hence our club Motto:


Blog Archive

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Afu dcfcREPORTED BY CR1 (Chicken Richard one)


Akhirnya peserta yg sanggup mengikuti kegiatan rafting hanya mencapai 15
org..berhubung pada menit2 akhir bbrp Old Gun berhalangan....SG, WS,  ATI,
Wi-Cong dan Yuvin berhalangan hadir
Brgkat dari Yang Lim  Plaza sekitar pukul 07.30 menuju Sei Bah Bolon...melalui
Galang...yg  memakan waktu sekitar 3 jam...sampai di lokasi sekitar pukul 12 an
tngh  hari berhubung sempat berhenti sebentar di Lubuk Pakam menjemput bbrp
peserta rafting yg berdomisili di L. Pakam....IMG_8284
Sesampainya di  lokasi..semua pada sibuk mengganti pakaian 'dinas' untuk
rafting...(Felix hampir menyerupai NAVY SEAL dgn pakaian katak anti
basahnya)...kita bersyukur karena Felix berjasa dalam mendokumentasi  bbrp foto
dgn Blackberry Onyx 2 nya selama rafting.... dan seperti biasa  OG. Pandu
menyibukkan diri mencari makanan  demi memuaskan nafsu makannya yg semakin hari
semakin menggila....dan  akhirnya kita semua mendapatkan indomie kuah di warung
makan yg ada di  lokasi...padahal peserta yg laen menyibukkan diri dgn memakai
IMG_8285perlengkapan dan foto2 bareng...anggota DCFC lbh mengutamakan isi
perutnya....(untung makan dulu kl ga laper)...sampai2 dikejar2 panitia  karena
semua sudah naik ke truk yg akan mengantar kita ke hulu sedangkan  DCFC masi
menyibukkan diri dgn hidangan IndoIMG_8287 (1)mie hangatnya ( ini  ceritaku mana
to be continued...





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